Who was Christine Heremaia?
Christine Heremaia was a Christchurch City Council planner and landscape architect who spearheaded the creation of the 'Styx Vision 2000-2040.' Christine's dedication to her work is evident throughout the Pūharakekenui in the landscape planning, architecture and the existence of many of our regional parks. Christine led the Christchurch City Council land acquisition of land for regional parks and this was also the case at 75 Lower Styx Road. Christine envisioned that the property 75 Lower Styx Road and the Pūharakekenui/Styx River Reserve could one day be used as a space to help establish a physical living laboratory for learning and research. Our Field Centre has been named the Christine Heremaia Field Centre to honour and recognise the mahi of Christine Heremaia.
There is also a memorial to Christine Heremaia located in Te Waoku Kahikatea Reserve.