

The Partnerships Potrfolio is lead by Dr. Gillian Lawson and Trustee Emma Norrish. This portfolio was created to help achieve Vision 5 of the "Styx Vision 2000-2040" document which is to foster partnerships. The types of partnerships the portfolio aims to develop and foster include Business, Research and Education, Community, Tangata Whenua, and Council. 

Portfolio Holders

Dr. Gillian Lawson

Dr. Gillian LawsonDr. Gillian Lawson is an Associate Professor at Lincoln University in Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, but originally from Australia. Her research interests are in landscape education, visualisation and public engagement in place-making in Australia, New Zealand and other Asia-Pacific countries, and on water and plants as catalysts for improving the adaptation of our cities to climate change. Her work has focused on the sociology of education, social practices in public/private open spaces, green infrastructure and waterfront communities in landscape planning and design. She has supervised a large cohort of PhD students to completion within these areas in Australia.


Emma Norrish

Emma NorrishDuring Emma's first term as a Community Board Member I learned so much about the Styx River and what is being done to conserve and restore it - things that she would not have known otherwise. Emma wants to help share this knowledge about what the Styx has to offer, and how people can get involved. She's excited to have this opportunity as a trustee to be a part of the work that is going on, and to enhance the Styx for her children and future generations.